We specialize in Foundation Grants Management and Evaluation for social development initiatives. We work toward the betterment of society by providing professional services to donors in an ethical, unbiased and cost effective manner. Through this initiative we are able to establish, manage and evaluate developmental initiatives primarily in developing economies and focus on four key sectors being: Healthcare, Education, Social Housing and Micro
Our experience in this space exceeds 40 years gained through amassing a vast knowledge set by working on developmental programs and directing initiatives on behalf of the World Bank, the World Health Organization (WHO), the United States Agency for International Development
(USAID), the US State Department, Foster Parents Plan, Corbis International and Governments of other nations including Peru, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Myanmar, Rwanda, Ghana, the Philippines and Colombia among many others.
Our typical oversight includes: due diligence, site visits, financial reviews, reference checking, organizational assessment, preparation of recommendations to donors and monitoring and evaluating the performance of the development program based on pre-determined metrics.